Have you ever thought about what will your reaction be if you receive presents related to things you’re extremely interested in? It must be very amazing, isn’t it? For example, for some people who can’t live without pets and consider pets as one of their family members, giving them a pet-themed gift on their birthday will absolutely bring them the feeling of being on cloud nine. Whether the present is for them or their furry friends, they will surely be very happy and appreciate your lovely gift. We’ve gathered some of our favorite gifts so that you can choose and give it to your beloved ones.
Source: Shutterfly
Nowadays, people prefer to use fabric stuff to reduce the number of plastic bags thrown to the environment. Therefore, it would be very thoughtful if you give pet lovers a tote bag customized with photos of them being with their pets, which not only upholds the spirit of environmental protection, but also makes the recipients always feel the appearance of their pets whenever they are not together.
Source: Etsy
This gift idea is the best choice for those who are addicted to stickers and have a habit of using bullet journal. Your recipients can use them to decorate their notebooks and brighten up any nook and cranny in their houses with their pet portrait stickers.
Source: Wowpaperart
One of the best ways to quickly convey your messages to your beloved ones on their special day is through pop-up card. A special birthday pop-up card with their pets’ chibi pictures and all your good wishes will make your recipients be like "a dog with two tails".
Source: Lia Griffith
This felt craft idea can be not only the most popular but also the most versatile gift that you have ever thought of. Your recipients can hang their furry four-legged friends’ miniature, take them to work or display them on their working desk. This little cutie gift can become their pets’ toys, too.
Source: Zazzle
Your friends will have relaxing time completing a puzzle with their pets’ photos on it. Choose and customize the puzzle with your recipients’ pets’ portraits or a picture of two of them together. This must be one of the most meaningful and surprising birthday presents!